Workout At The Warhawk

Mission43 partners with the warhawk air museum

Mission43 values its partnership with the Warhawk Air Museum in Nampa, which is currently raising funds for its Global War on Terror (GWOT) museum expansion project. This project will establish the first museum dedicated to post-9/11 veterans' contributions and sacrifices, right here in our Idaho community.

Photographed above is Dan Keller, Air Force Combat Controller and Air Force Cross Recipient (Afghanistan). Dan is the first to have an exhibit in the GWOT wing (photographed above).

For the Mission43 team, comprised of veterans and military spouses who experienced the Global War on Terror firsthand, this project holds deep significance. Currently, there is no dedicated place for our children to learn about the experiences of the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who served in Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, and the Philippines to protect our homeland from terrorist threats. Our service was voluntary, undertaken with full awareness of the risks involved. Yet, our experiences of war were driven by the horrific attacks on American civilians on September 11, 2001. As veterans of the GWOT, we fought in our nation's longest war. Until now, there have been no museums dedicated to telling our stories.

Salute to service workout

Mission43, the Warhawk, and the Idaho Outdoor Fieldhouse are joining forces to host the Salute to Service military-style workout at the Warhawk on Saturday, June 22nd! Anna Woodring, a former Marine Corps Officer and the Fieldhouse’s Director of Human Performance, will lead this scalable and social military-style workout for anyone willing to sweat for a good cause! A $10 entry fee gets you a custom shirt, workout, and breakfast - with 100% of the proceeds going to support the Warhawk's Global War on Terror museum expansion. Sign up, bring your family, and work out for a purpose greater than yourself!
