Team Rubicon is responding to Hurricane Florence which has left the Carolina’s devastated. We have received over 5,000 requests for assistance and will be deploying hundreds of Greyshirts over the next month to conduct chainsaw and debris removal operations for those affected by this disaster.
Let’s show the South how caring and hard working the Northwest is and help our long distance neighbors recover from this hurricane. The Gem State Wave is a ripe opportunity to bring forth our ‘get stuff done’, TR powered, Idaho members! The wave starts October 13 and ends on the 20th. All current TRibe members are eligible for deployment. New members can be deployable in as little as five (5) days. Whatcha’ got Idaho?!
Location: Various throughtout the Carolinas
Dates: October 13-October 20th
Current TR Members Sign-Up:
Join TR and Deploy:
Questions: Contact the Idaho Area Manager, Rick Sego at