43INC stands for Innovate + Network + Connect. To do this, we bring in top veterans from around the country who have used the attributes they developed in the military to do amazing things after the service. We moderate a conversation with our special guests and then set the conditions for you to network with other veterans, military spouses, and business leaders in the community.
On June 1st we are excited to have Emily Núñez Cavness and Betsy Núñez, co-founders of Sword & Plough, help us kick off the summer with their inspiring story. Emily turned a college business idea into an e-commerce reality, all while still wearing the uniform. Sword & Plough turns military surplus items into stylish bags and accessories, they employ tons of veterans, and they give back 10% of their proceeds to veterans organizations.
Food and drinks will be provided.
Click for Location: The Olympic Venue