All Gold Star Children in Idaho Will Graduate College Debt Free

Mission43 has partnered with the Children of Fallen Patriots to ensure every Gold Star child in Idaho graduates college debt-free. The average gap to finish is $25,000, and our nation has an unwritten obligation to support and create opportunities for these children who have lost a parent in combat, training, and other duty-related accidents.

There are currently over 50 Gold Star children in Idaho. To support them, Children of Fallen Patriots will provide college scholarships and educational counseling which will be fully funded by Mission43. Even with the drawdown in combat operations, the responsibility will continue to exist and we are honored to play a part.


If you know a Gold Star family, please share that Mission43 would like the opportunity to connect and help with the Gold Star children scholarship. Additionally, even though Mission43’s funding is directly allocated for Idahoans, the Children of Fallen Patriots is a national organization and all Gold Star children will be supported.

Learn more about the Children of Fallen Patriots here.

Connect to learn more about Mission43’s partnership with the Children of Fallen Patriots!

