Mission43's Entrepreneur Course for Veterans and Military Spouses

Everything you need to know about the Mission43 Entrepreneur Course

Take your business idea to the next level

Mission43’s flagship Entrepreneur Course was created with risk takers in mind. You have the idea, we have the connections. This course, in partnership with the Boise State University Venture College, challenges Mission43 members to grow their business or nonprofit idea, and provides the tools needed to take concepts and turn them into actionable steps.

In each cohort, members are immersed in fast-paced, interactive material with an exclusive peer group of veterans, service members, and military spouses. The instructors aren’t just teaching theory, they’re experienced entrepreneurs who take participants through a step-by-step process that makes sense.

The scholarship & commitment

We’re looking for motivated veterans, service members, and military spouses who either have a business idea or a budding business, and are excited to challenge themselves, test their ideas, and actively contribute to the rest of the cohort.

Mission43 members who apply and are selected will receive a $1000 scholarship that covers the full cost of the 6-week course.

Whether selected for an in-person or virtual scholarship, we ask that participants commit to attend the two, 2-hour sessions each week of the program. At the conclusion of the twelve sessions, you’ll put it all together and pitch your idea to local leaders in the business and entrepreneur community, potentially opening doors you didn’t know existed!

What does the course cover?

The Mission43 Entrepreneur Course curriculum is tailored to our military community members. We aren’t just providing instruction, there are real-world opportunities to connect with key-players in the community, sharing your business idea and growing your network of resources. The connections you make in this course can be essential as your business develops.

The “Lean Startup” Methodology

There is a strong distinction between “can you build this product” and “should you build this product?” The course kicks off with the Lean Startup approach, which focuses on the latter. It’s not a rigid business plan, it’s a fast-paced process of building, measuring, and learning to help you accelerate your idea.

Value Proposition

What problem needs to be solved? This question is the foundation of why you want to be an entrepreneur. This early phase of the course is always fun, as it is the first time many participants have had to articulate their idea to a group of relative strangers. The interaction, feedback, and support are paramount as you learn about each other’s business and begin to grow as a Mission43 Entrepreneurs cohort.

The Customer Discovery Process

You don’t want to spend a ton of money or time bringing your product to market without ever talking to a potential customer. You’ll discover why interviewing potential customers is crucial to your value proposition, learn best practices for customer discovery, and practice interviewing potential customers while asking the appropriate questions.

Your MVP, or Minimum Viable Product

After you address the problem that needs to be solved (your value proposition), we’ll jump into learning exactly what an MVP is, and then you’ll develop your own MVP. You’ll learn how to create measurable goals using the Test Card as you get more comfortable with the Lean Startup Methodology.

How to Pivot

The Lean Startup is all about building-measuring-learning, and sometimes that requires a pivot. We’ll define what this is, learn about successful business pivots, and you’ll be prepared and comfortable if or when that is required!

The Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas is composed of nine sections and helps you understand your business in a straightforward and structured way.

Flex Session

Based on the needs and interests of each cohort, the Venture College will conduct a special-topics lesson, often more advanced in nature, supported by a subject-matter-expert guest speaker. This can include things like marketing tactics or how to get investors.

Pitch Preparation

Cohort members have ample opportunity throughout the course to prepare, rehearse, and refine their pitch with peers, instructors, and mentors. By the time pitch night comes around, you’ll be prepared to share your business idea with the greater community!

Pitch Night

The course culminates with pitching your business to local and influential community leaders. It’s a Shark Tank style event and is an incredible opportunity to get expert feedback on your idea. Don’t worry, you’ll be well prepared to knock it out of the park!

Continued Support and Networking

The Entrepreneur Course isn’t just instruction; you’re provided the opportunity to connect face-to-face and network with influential community leaders in a comfortable, social setting. This is your opportunity to share your idea with business professionals and experienced veteran entrepreneurs.

If you are showing that can-do drive and things are accelerating quickly with your business, the Venture College team will stay in your corner to help you succeed. Whether it’s connecting with the right people, pitching your business to new audiences, or just providing the motivation to keep going, the BSU Venture College and Mission43 team are here to help.

We are proud to have had multiple businesses start in the Mission43 Entrepreneur Course! These veterans and military spouses showed up with an idea, and are now profitable and growing Idaho businesses. You could be next… let us assist you in getting started on this journey!

The Boise State University Venture College

The Boise State University Venture College is part of the College of Innovation and Design, which serves as a landing zone for entrepreneurial thinkers to launch their idea outside of the classroom. This is experiential learning at its best.

The Venture College has assisted over 100 students in launching their businesses and nonprofits that have generated millions in revenue and provided job opportunities in Idaho communities.

Start your entrepreneurial journey

If you’re ready to be your own boss, lead, learn, and inspire in your Idaho community, connect with us or learn more below to find out about current course offerings and the application process.

For more information, e-mail alison.garrow@mission43.org
